API reference
This page summarizes the API provided by the Wave container service.
API limits
The Wave service implements API rate limits for API calls. Authenticated users have higher rate limits than anonymous users.
If an access token is provided, the following rate limits apply:
- 100 container builds per hour
- 1,000 container pulls per minute
If an access token isn't provided, the following rate limits apply:
- 25 container builds per day
- 250 container pulls per hour
POST /container-token
Deprecated endpoint allows you to submit a request to access a private container registry via Wave, or build a container image on-the-fly with a Dockerfile or Conda recipe file.
The endpoint returns the name of the container request made available by Wave.
This API endpoint is deprecated in current versions of Wave.
Request body
containerImage: string,
containerFile: string,
containerConfig: {
entrypoint: string[],
cmd: string[],
env: string[],
workingDir: string
layers: [
location: string,
gzipDigest: string,
gzipSize: string,
tarDigest: string
condaFile: string,
containerPlatform: string,
buildRepository: string,
cacheRepository: string,
timestamp: string,
fingerprint: string,
freeze: boolean,
towerAccessToken: string,
towerRefreshToken: string,
towerEndpoint: string,
towerWorkspaceId: number,
Container token request attributes
Attribute | Description |
containerImage | Name of the container to be served, e.g., docker.io/library/ubuntu:latest (optional). If omitted, the containerFile must be provided. |
containerConfig.entrypoint | The container entrypoint command, e.g., ['/bin/bash'] . |
containerConfig.cmd | The launch command to be used by the Wave container, e.g., ['echo', 'Hello world'] (optional). |
containerConfig.env | The environment variables to be defined in the Wave container, e.g., ['FOO=one','BAR=two'] (optional). |
containerConfig.workingDir | The work directory to be used in the Wave container, e.g., /some/work/dir (optional). |
containerConfig.layers.location | Specifies a container image layer stored as a tar.gz file (optional). Either a HTTP URL to the file or a base64 encoded string prefixed with data: . |
containerConfig.layers.tarDigest | The SHA256checksum of the provided tar file, e.g., sha256:a7c724b02... . |
containerConfig.layers.gzipDigest | The SHA256 checksum of the provided layer tar gzip file, e.g., sha256:a7c724b02... . |
containerConfig.layers.gzipSize | The size in bytes of the the provided layer tar gzip file. |
containerFile | Dockerfile used for building a new container encoded in base64 (optional). When provided, the attribute containerImage must be omitted. |
condaFile | Conda environment file encoded as base64 string. |
containerPlatform | Target container architecture of the built container, e.g., linux/amd64 (optional). Currently only supporting amd64 and arm64. |
buildRepository | Container repository where container builds should be pushed, e.g., docker.io/user/my-image (optional). |
cacheRepository | Container repository used to cache build layers docker.io/user/my-cache (optional). |
timestamp | Request submission timestamp using ISO-8601. |
fingerprint | Request unique fingerprint. |
freeze | Freeze requires buildRepository to push the build container to a user-defined repository. This provides the container URL from the user-defined repository, not the Wave generated URL. This URL won't change. |
towerEndpoint | Seqera Platform service endpoint from where container registry credentials are retrieved (optional). Default https://api.cloud.seqera.io . |
towerAccessToken | Access token of the user account granting access to the Seqera Platform service specified via towerEndpoint (optional). |
towerWorkspaceId | ID of the Seqera Platform workspace from where the container registry credentials are retrieved (optional). When omitted the personal workspace is used. |
containerToken: string,
targetImage: string,
expiration: string
Attribute | Description |
containerToken | The unique token identifying the Wave container request, e.g., 0123456789 . |
targetImage | The Wave container image name, e.g., wave.seqera.io/wt/0123456789/library/ubuntu:latest . |
expiration | The expiration timestamp of the Wave container using ISO-8601 format. |
POST /v1alpha2/container
This endpoint allows you to submit a request to access a private container registry via Wave, or build a container image on-the-fly with a Dockerfile or Conda recipe file.
The endpoint returns the name of the container request made available by Wave.
Request body
containerImage: string,
containerFile: string,
containerConfig: {
entrypoint: string[],
cmd: string[],
env: string[],
workingDir: string
layers: [
location: string,
gzipDigest: string,
gzipSize: string,
tarDigest: string
condaFile: string,
containerPlatform: string,
buildRepository: string,
cacheRepository: string,
timestamp: string,
fingerprint: string,
freeze: boolean,
towerAccessToken: string,
towerRefreshToken: string,
towerEndpoint: string,
towerWorkspaceId: number,
packages: {
type: string,
environment: string,
entries: string[],
channels: string[],
condaOpts: {
mambaImage: string,
commands: string[],
basePackages: string
nameStrategy: string
Container token request attributes
Attribute | Description |
containerImage | Name of the container to be served, e.g., docker.io/library/ubuntu:latest (optional). If omitted, the containerFile must be provided. |
containerConfig.entrypoint | The container entrypoint command, e.g., ['/bin/bash'] . |
containerConfig.cmd | The launch command to be used by the Wave container, e.g., ['echo', 'Hello world'] (optional). |
containerConfig.env | The environment variables to be defined in the Wave container, e.g., ['FOO=one','BAR=two'] (optional). |
containerConfig.workingDir | The work directory to be used in the Wave container, e.g., /some/work/dir (optional). |
containerConfig.layers.location | Specifies a container image layer stored as a tar.gz file (optional). Either a HTTP URL to the file or a base64 encoded string prefixed with data: . |
containerConfig.layers.tarDigest | The SHA256checksum of the provided tar file, e.g., sha256:a7c724b02... . |
containerConfig.layers.gzipDigest | The SHA256 checksum of the provided layer tar gzip file, e.g., sha256:a7c724b02... . |
containerConfig.layers.gzipSize | The size in bytes of the the provided layer tar gzip file. |
containerFile | Dockerfile used for building a new container encoded in base64 (optional). When provided, the attribute containerImage must be omitted. |
condaFile | Conda environment file encoded as base64 string. |
containerPlatform | Target container architecture of the built container, e.g., linux/amd64 (optional). Currently only supporting amd64 and arm64. |
buildRepository | Container repository where container builds should be pushed, e.g., docker.io/user/my-image (optional). |
cacheRepository | Container repository used to cache build layers docker.io/user/my-cache (optional). |
timestamp | Request submission timestamp using ISO-8601. |
fingerprint | Request unique fingerprint. |
freeze | Freeze requires buildRepository to push the build container to a user-defined repository. This provides the container URL from the user-defined repository, not the Wave generated URL. This URL won't change. |
towerEndpoint | Seqera Platform service endpoint from where container registry credentials are retrieved (optional). Default https://api.cloud.seqera.io . |
towerAccessToken | Access token of the user account granting access to the Seqera Platform service specified via towerEndpoint (optional). |
towerWorkspaceId | ID of the Seqera Platform workspace from where the container registry credentials are retrieved (optional). When omitted the personal workspace is used. |
packages | This object specifies Conda packages environment information. |
environment | The package environment file encoded as a base64 string. |
type | This represents the type of package builder. Use CONDA . |
entries | List of the packages names. |
channels | List of Conda channels, which will be used to download packages. |
mambaImage | Name of the docker image used to build Conda containers. |
commands | Command to be included in the container. |
basePackages | Names of base packages. |
nameStrategy | The name strategy to be used to create the name of the container built by Wave. Its values can be none , tagPrefix , or imageSuffix . |
containerToken: string,
targetImage: string,
expiration: string,
buildId: string,
cached: boolean
Container token response attributes
Attribute | Description |
containerToken | The unique token identifying the Wave container request, e.g., 0123456789 . |
targetImage | The Wave container image name, e.g., wave.seqera.io/wt/0123456789/library/ubuntu:latest . |
expiration | The expiration timestamp of the Wave container using ISO-8601 format. |
cached | Indicates if the requested image is built or in progress. |
- Create docker image with conda packages
curl --location 'http://localhost:9090/v1alpha2/container' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"type": "CONDA",
"entries": ["salmon", "bwa"],
"channels": ["conda-forge", "bioconda"]
- Create singularity image with conda packages
curl --location 'http://localhost:9090/v1alpha2/container' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"format": "sif",
"containerPlatform": "arm64",
"type": "CONDA",
"entries": ["salmon"],
"channels": ["conda-forge", "bioconda"]
"freeze": true,
"buildRepository": <CONTAINER_REPOSITORY>,
"towerEndpoint": "http://localhost:8008/api"
You must add your container registry credentials in Seqera Platform to use the freeze feature. This is a requirement for Singularity.
GET /v1alpha1/builds/{buildId}/status
Provides status of build against buildId passed as path variable
id: string,
status: string,
startTime: string,
duration: string,
succeeded: boolean
Status can only be PENDING
% curl --location 'http://localhost:9090/v1alpha1/builds/6c084f2e43f86a78_1/status'
GET /v1alpha1/builds/{buildId}/logs
Supply logs corresponding to the specified buildId within the API request.
% curl --location 'http://localhost:9090/v1alpha1/builds/<BUILD_ID>/logs'
INFO[0001] Retrieving image manifest alpine:latest
INFO[0001] Retrieving image alpine:latest from registry index.docker.io
INFO[0002] Retrieving image manifest alpine:latest
INFO[0002] Returning cached image manifest
INFO[0002] Built cross stage deps: map[]
INFO[0002] Retrieving image manifest alpine:latest
INFO[0002] Returning cached image manifest
INFO[0002] Retrieving image manifest alpine:latest
INFO[0002] Returning cached image manifest
INFO[0002] Executing 0 build triggers
INFO[0002] Building stage 'alpine:latest' [idx: '0', base-idx: '-1']
INFO[0002] Skipping unpacking as no commands require it.
INFO[0002] Pushing image to <REPO>/<IMAGE>
INFO[0005] Pushed index.docker.io/<REPO>/<IMAGE>
GET /service-info
Provides basic information about the service status.
serviceInfo: {
version: string,
commitId: string
POST /v1alpha1/inspect
This endpoint returns the metadata about provided container image
containerImage: string,
towerAccessToken: string,
towerEndpoint: string,
towerWorkspaceId: string
Container inspect request attributes
Attribute | Description |
containerImage | Name of the container to be inpected, e.g., docker.io/library/ubuntu:latest |
towerEndpoint | Seqera Platform service endpoint from where container registry credentials are retrieved (optional). Default https://api.cloud.seqera.io . |
towerAccessToken | Access token of the user account granting the access to the Seqera Platform service specified via towerEndpoint (optional). |
towerWorkspaceId | ID of the Seqera Platform workspace from where the container registry credentials are retrieved (optional). When omitted the personal workspace is used. |
container: {
registry: string,
hostName: string,
imageName: string,
reference: string,
digest: string,
config: {
architecture: string,
config: {
attachStdin: boolean,
attachStdout: boolean,
attachStderr: boolean,
tty: boolean,
env: string[],
cmd: string[],
image: string
container: string,
created: string,
rootfs: {
type: string,
diff_ids: string[]
manifest: {
schemaVersion: integer,
mediaType: string,
config: {
mediaType: string,
digest: string,
size: integer
layers: [
mediaType: string,
digest: string,
size: integer
v1: boolean,
v2: boolean,
oci: boolean
You can find the explanation of the response attributes (here)[https://github.com/opencontainers/image-spec/blob/main/spec.md]
API call
curl --location 'http://localhost:9090/v1alpha1/inspect' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"containerImage": "docker.io/<REPO>/<IMAGE>",
"towerAccessToken": "<TOWER_TOKEN>",
"towerEndpoint": "http://localhost:8000/api"
"container": {
"registry": "docker.io",
"hostName": "https://registry-1.docker.io",
"imageName": "<WAVE_TOKEN>/<REPO>/<IMAGE>",
"reference": "9b80535d04eceefd",
"digest": "sha256:1fcabdb850dc7c46646b3796fca01aca5721330252b586058e0d326705374dd5",
"config": {
"architecture": "amd64",
"config": {
"env": [
"cmd": [
"image": "sha256:9a5ce069f40cfe0f2270eafbff0a0f2fa08f1add73571af9f78209e96bb8a5e9"
"container": "4189cbc534955765760c227f328ec1cdd52e8550681c2bf9f8f990b27b644f9c",
"created": "2024-04-19T14:38:17.047396956Z",
"rootfs": {
"type": "layers",
"diff_ids": [
"manifest": {
"schemaVersion": 2,
"mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json",
"config": {
"mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.container.image.v1+json",
"digest": "sha256:639823e18eb8b62cf43e92bac114ae35c03c07449e4ee5c10f8ebf8d033877d6",
"size": 774
"layers": [
"mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.image.rootfs.diff.tar.gzip",
"digest": "sha256:4abcf20661432fb2d719aaf90656f55c287f8ca915dc1c92ec14ff61e67fbaf8",
"size": 3408729
"v1": false,
"v2": true,
"oci": false
Metrics APIs based on Redis
These APIs provide usage (builds and pulls) metrics of Wave for a specific date and/or a specific organization. These APIs require basic authentication, so you must provide a username and password while calling these APIs.
All Metrics API endpoints use these query parameters:
Name | Description | sample Value |
date | Format: yyyy-mm-dd , The date of the required metrics. | 2024-04-08 |
org | Domain of the organization used in emails, e.g., org=seqera.io | seqera.io |
Build Metrics API
These APIs are used to retrieve metrics about container builds performed by Wave.
GET /v1alpha2/metrics/builds
This endpoint is used to retrieve the builds performed by Wave.
metric: "builds",
count: integer,
orgs: {
String: integer,
String: integer,
curl -u foo:bar "http://localhost:9090/v1alpha2/metrics/builds"
"metric": "builds",
"count": 18,
"orgs": {
"seqera.io": 13,
"gmail.com": 5
curl -u foo:bar "http://localhost:9090/v1alpha2/metrics/builds?date=2024-04-08&org=seqera.io"
curl -u foo:bar "http://localhost:9090/v1alpha2/metrics/builds?date=2024-04-08"
"metric": "builds",
"count": 8,
"orgs": {
"gmail.com": 4,
"seqera.io": 4
curl -u foo:bar "http://localhost:9090/v1alpha2/metrics/builds?org=seqera.io"
"metric": "builds",
"count": 13,
"orgs": {
"seqera.io": 13
Pull Metrics API
These APIs are used to get the metrics about the container pulls through Wave.
GET /v1alpha2/metrics/pulls
This endpoint is used to get the pulls performed through Wave.
metric: "pulls",
count: integer,
orgs: {
String: integer,
String: integer,
curl -u foo:bar "http://localhost:9090/v1alpha2/metrics/pulls"
"metric": "pulls",
"count": 11,
"orgs": {
"seqera.io": 7,
"gmail.com": 4
curl -u foo:bar "http://localhost:9090/v1alpha2/metrics/pulls?date=2024-04-08&org=seqera.io"
curl -u foo:bar "http://localhost:9090/v1alpha2/metrics/pulls?date=2024-04-08"
"metric": "pulls",
"count": 4,
"orgs": {
"seqera.io": 1,
"gmail.com": 3
curl -u foo:bar "http://localhost:9090/v1alpha2/metrics/pulls?org=seqera.io"
"metric": "pulls",
"count": 7,
"orgs": {
"seqera.io": 7
Fusion Pull Metrics API
These APIs are used to get the metrics about the Fusion-based container pulls through Wave.
GET /v1alpha2/metrics/fusion/pulls
This endpoint is used to get the pulls of Fusion-based containers performed through Wave.
metric: "fusion",
count: integer,
orgs: {
String: integer,
String: integer,
curl -u foo:bar "http://localhost:9090/v1alpha2/metrics/fusion/pulls"
"metric": "fusion",
"count": 2,
"orgs": {
"seqera.io": 1,
"gmail.com": 1
curl -u foo:bar "http://localhost:9090/v1alpha2/metrics/fusion/pulls?date=2024-04-08&org=seqera.io"
curl -u foo:bar "http://localhost:9090/v1alpha2/metrics/fusion/pulls?date=2024-04-08"
"metric": "fusion",
"count": 1,
"orgs": {
"gmail.com": 1
curl -u foo:bar "http://localhost:9090/v1alpha2/metrics/fusion/pulls?org=seqera.io"
"metric": "fusion",
"count": 1,
"orgs": {
"seqera.io": 1